Thursday, February 10, 2011



Hermione Granger 75% (Of Course)
Ginny Weasley 25% (Second Place isn't that bad)
Cho Chang 0% (Oh Well!)
Fleur Delacour 0% (I was secretly rooting for her!)

Mister Pip

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cambium Opinion Leads: Living Underwater

Contrast and Compare:

A few hundred years ago, America was a frontier for the Europeans. The plains were vast and rolling, the food plentiful, and horizons limitless. Fast-forward to today. We now have a new ‘frontier’ to explore. It’s not space, however, as Star Trek would have you believe. The human race is about to begin a new life in the ocean.


How do you solve the world’s environmental and over-population problems? By building an underwater complex. That may be a little over-dramatic, but with enough work, it could be possible/plausible.

Direct Address:

You’ve always wanted to live underwater. And now you finally have the chance. There are currently plans to build an underwater living complex. Soon you will be able to move under the surface of the sea. You can swim with fish, and farm seaweed. We hope you enjoy it.

Leads-[Asian X]

In a small pond, a kitten is frantically splashing about. Its head is coming to the surface less and less. Obviously, it’s drowning. There’s no one else around- only you can help it. Or not. No one would know if you just left. No one would blame you. But you save the kitten anyway, because it’s the right thing to do.


A frail old man, struggling to push his cart out of the store. A young child, standing on tiptoe to reach for a book. A homeless person, crouching on the street.

These people all need help. It’s impossible not to tell. But when everyone needs help, how do you decide?

Helping people increases dependence. Helping people ultimately results in more death. Who are we to choose people to help?

We’re exactly the right people. With this mindset, we can help no one, not even those most in need.
-[Asian X]

Mister Pip's Leads

Contrast and Compare

Thirty years ago Dick and Jane used to play with Spot and everyone was happy, but as Dick and Jane play with Spot now, it’s not their friendly golden retriever, but rather their young cheetah from an African reservation. As the world grows closer together, no longer are families happy with their dogs and cats, but rather need cobras, chimps, and lions.

¿Rhetorical Question?

How do you turn a boring American life into a riveting adventure? By getting an exotic pet of course. With more and more Americans getting exotic pets, animals are being removed from their natural habitats and being forced to live in American metropolises where they have no habitat or rightful companionship. Animals should not be kept in habitats where they were not meant to live.

Direct Address
Slimy snakes, insane monkeys, wild coyotes. These are all animals that your neighbors may be housing right next door to you. The safety of citizens and the animals are at risk, as people house more dangerous and wild animals.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

¿Por QuĂ©?

So, today I posted a poll, so please feel free to vote on it. it's to your right. th poll wil close in 6 days at 12:58 PM, so please vote soon.

Anyways today is really cold. This is taking away from our usual productive selves and we are taking life one step at a time. Asian X and Cambium are both wearing the same sweaters as yesterday, but I, Mister Pip, am wearing a very nice black turtle-neck. We are now reading an article about Apocolyptic Sprouts, and we are trying to decipher what Cambium is saying in latin. Just for the record "Cambium ist baraca". There's some latin for you.

The girl sitting to my left, watched a really sad video of animals being tortured. I may now become a vegetarian. It's really quite unfortunate how animals are treated. Well, that's all for today.

This is how I feel today! Cold and Happy!

Mister Pip

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mister Pip Welcome

Hi Readers,

I am the third poster, Mister Pip. I look forward to getting to know all of my readers. I apoligize about not writing earlier like my counterparts, Sunspot and Asian X, but I have been rather sick, and I still have a cough. I hope to bring a new feel to the group, of laughter and joy.

Fur future purposes, when you see either Mr. Pip or see a smaller version of my image, you will know I wrote the post.

For now,

P.S. I was in no way responsible for the dismal background. i would have picked clouds or something.

P.P.S. I think I'll change the background now.