Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome part 2?

Hello dearies and welcome to *drumroll* DIFFUSION!
'But this is Dihydrogen Oxide -online-' you say? Well, I've got news for you.
Yes, it is. And yet, it's also Diffusion.
'How can this be?' you ask. Simple: Dihydrogen Oxide is the name of the series. Diffusion is the name of this issue (which may be the one and only, but we'll get to that later).
Alrighty. Intro time. I am Asian X AKA the coolest member of this group. No, Asian X is not a Asian-icide. It/I will not rid you of your Asian woes (Yes, that's right. We ALL know how much you hate being beaten by Asians...again). Sun Spot misspelled his name. I've decided that he will change his name each week :D Mister Pip may also be forced to change his name...maybe. If that person really likes the name then I guess there's no problem...
But we'll burn I mean cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm sure Mister Pip will comment on this post to say exactly WHY that name was chosen moments after I post it. Or not. I'm sure I'll find out somehow.
After some...rather unwelcome insights, I may be changing my name as well. Or maybe I won' one'll ever find this blog through my name now! >:D
Anyway, welcome to Diffusion! Distill the truth...if you can.
-[Asian X]

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