Thursday, January 27, 2011


So you know how I said this was Diffusion? I lied.
Maybe. Or maybe I didn't >:D
No, I'm not doing this just to mess with you. I don't actually know myself. The name MAY change over the next few weeks depending on whether or not I can create an awesome logo. Meh.
Perhaps that should have more exclamation points behind it. Nah. Exclamation points are overrated.
Yeah, that's right. I DID just go there. For those of you who include FIFTY exclamation marks with each message, this goes out to you. Not all of us have the time to read through lines of punctuation in search of important news. In fact, not all of us have the time to write/type all those marks. Where do you guys find the time? I mean, sure there's copy and paste but for you MEGA-spammers I don't find it possible to copy and paste that much. There IS a character limit, I believe.
Back to the subject.
I know Diffusion is the awesomest name ever (because I came up with it, obviously) but it may change as the weeks pass. With any luck it won't change the day before magazine submission though.

[Asian X], wasting your time with random rants, signing off

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